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أفضل ملعب إضاءة LED لملعب كرة السلة

أضواء LED لملعب كرة السلة - 2024 دليل المشتري

Led Lights For Basketball Court-2024 Buyer's Guide Our LED lights for basketball court is suitable for residential, التطبيقات التجارية أو المهنية. High mast LED floodlights are suitable for outdoor basketball courts such as backyards, high schools, colleges, and parks. In 2019, we developed an advanced indoor LED lighting system for NBA basketball courts. The ceiling lights offer up to 1500 ل 2000 لوكس (سطوع) levels for professional competition. Led lights

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6 نصائح قبل شراء أضواء الاستاد LED

نصائح قبل شراء مصابيح الاستاد LED فيما يلي بعض النصائح التي يجب وضعها في الاعتبار عند شراء مصابيح الاستاد LED: 1. Consider the brightness The brightness of LED lights is quantified in lumens. To ensure optimal visibility in a stadium, it's crucial to select lights emitting a high number of lumens. The required brightness varies based on factors such as stadium size, pole height, and desired illumination levels 2. Look

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