أفضل ملعب إضاءة LED لملعب كرة السلة

أضواء LED لملعب كرة السلة - 2024 دليل المشتري


Our LED lights for basketball court is suitable for residential, التطبيقات التجارية أو المهنية. High mast LED floodlights are suitable for outdoor basketball courts such as backyards, high schools, colleges, and parks.

In 2019, we developed an advanced indoor LED lighting system for NBA basketball courts. The ceiling lights offer up to 1500 ل 2000 لوكس (سطوع) levels for professional competition. Led lights for basketball court are more energy efficient and are the best alternative to metal halides, halogens, HPS, mercury vapor and fluorescent lighting. فضلاً عن ذلك, it lasts longer than those traditional lighting solutions. Let’s explore how to light up a basketball court.


What Is The Lighting Standard of Basketball Court?

Lighting designs and standards for outdoor residential, recreational, commercial and professional basketball courts will be also different. According to the basketball lighting guide, backyard and recreational activities require around 200 لوكس, regional or club competitions require 300-500lux, for national or international competition will require 500-750Lux, and if need for televised events, then even require about 2000lux.

Since a standard basketball court is 28x15m, how many power do we need to light up the basketball court?


200لوكس (Backyard and recreational activities)

As we caculated in a Dialux Design, it will need 8pcs our 200W led lights to achieve a lux level of 200lux all the field, and 8pcs our 500W led lights for basketball court to achive a lux level of 500lux.


لكن, the light power and number of lights are varies according to the types of the luminaire, size of the ball field, the height of the pole.So it is better to contact our professional engineer to make a design according to your basketball court details.

فضلاً عن ذلك, lux level(سطوع), we can have a look at lighting uniformity. In the above picture, you can also see there are different color portions. The majority area has white color. which means 200lux(picture 1) or 500 لوكس(picture 2). You can see there are quite large and uniform white region. This means the lighting uniformity requirement is very high. If there are too many dim or sudden bright spots, there will irritate the eyes of player, judges and the spectators looking at the court as well as the basketball hoop. We provide our clients with free DIALux design to accurately predict the lighting outcome.

Why Use Led Lights For Basketball Courts To Replace Metal Halide And Halogen?

1. LED has longer life span

Proper indoor basketball court floodlights can reduce your operating costs and maintenance costs. This is because you don’t need to replace LED lights as often. If you install the current metal halide, you will find that the service life is very short. Plus, after a few months to a year of use, you’ll feel a noticeable drop in brightness. لكن. Leds have a lifespan of 80,000 ساعات, equivalent to 30 years based on using for 6-7 ساعات في اليوم. The lifespan of metal halides is about five times shorter than Leds. And the halogen is 1/10 of that. لذلك, replacing them with leds can save you time and maintenance costs.

2. Better cooling system

Heat accumulation in the body of the lamp can damage the floodlights. We attach great importance to improving the heat dissipation performance of leds because good heat management can improve the performance of lamps (such as higher brightness and lifespan). The photo above illustrates that our LED lights have a dense aluminum fin design. It provides a larger surface area for heat transfer. Especially for the indoor low bay basketball court lighting, effective heat dissipation makes LED lamps longer life. This is because the accumulated heat accelerates the lumen’s depreciation. Rarely do we see such complex designs in HID and halogen lamps.


3. Energy Saving LED Lights

In addition to life cycle and efficient cooling system, our LED lights have super bright chips. LED has an energy efficiency of 140-170 lm/W, which is a double of metal halide lamp or more. نتيجة ل, replacing a 1000 watt metal halide to LED can save up to 50% in energy costs while maintaining the same brightness.


We hope this comprehensive guide will help you in selecting the best led lights for basketball courts. LED lights for basketball courts is an ideal choice to illuminate the sports stadiums because it is long lifespan, energy-efficient, التوفير في التكاليف, سهل التنصيب, والحفاظ على. To have the perfectly led lights for basketball courts, يجب أن تحصل على مساعدة مهنية. If you want to know more about LED lights for basketball courts, welcome to email our professional sales engineer via [email protected] to get the best basketball court lighting solution &quotation.

أسئلة مكررة

1.ما هي إضاءة الملعب?
أضواء الملاعب عبارة عن تركيبات إضاءة رياضية قوية يتم تركيبها عادةً على أبراج أو أعمدة عالية, مصممة بزوايا شعاع ضيقة تتراوح من 12 ل 60 درجات. تركز زوايا الشعاع الأصغر هذه الضوء بشكل أكثر كثافة ضمن النطاق المحدد, تمكين الإضاءة الساطعة والفعالة للملاعب الرياضية من ارتفاعات عالية. لكن, يمكن أن يؤدي اختيار زاوية الشعاع الخاطئة إلى إضاءة غير متساوية عبر الحقل, إنشاء بقع داكنة تؤثر سلبًا على تجربة اللاعبين والمتفرجين.

2. المصباح الذي يستخدم في الملعب?
تعد مصابيح الاستاد LED هي الخيار الأفضل عند مقارنتها بمصابيح الهالوجين أو الزئبق وما إلى ذلك. LED لاستبدال الهاليدات المعدنية أكثر سطوعًا, أكثر كفاءة في استخدام الطاقة وأكثر متانة.

3. كم عدد اللومن لكل مصباح LED للملعب?
تتراوح معظم مصابيح LED للملاعب حوالي 150-170lm/w, 600مصباح الاستاد LED W موجود بالأعلى 90,000 ل ليحل محل أ 1500 واط معدن هاليد الرياضة الخفيفة, اللومن هو مقدار الضوء المنبعث من الوحدة ويختلف عن الضوء الموجود على الأرض, المعروفة باسم شموع القدم.

4. ما هي القوة الكهربائية التي تستخدمها مصابيح ملعب LED في ملعب كرة القدم?
لفهم الطاقة الإجمالية المطلوبة لأضواء ملاعب كرة القدم بسرعة, من الأفضل إجراء محاكاة للضوء, اتصل بمبيعاتنا الاحترافية للحصول على أفضل تصميم للضوء الآن.