
Μπλουζα 3 Φως LED σταδίου μέσα 2024


Όσοι έχετε μεγάλες παιδικές χαρές, θέσεις πάρκινγκ, στάδια ή μεγάλες αυλές μπορεί να αναζητούν ισχυρό φως σταδίου led, προβολείς led,φώτα στάθμευσης, ψηλά φώτα ιστού κ.λπ. Τέτοια ισχυρά φώτα είναι απαραίτητα για να διασφαλιστεί ότι τα πάντα είναι καθαρά ορατά τη νύχτα. If you’re looking for something similar, σκεφτείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τα καλύτερα φώτα γηπέδου LED,προβολείς,high mast lights as given down below that have been chosen as per these factors:

Power output of led stadium light:

If you install led stadium lights in a place like a stadium or sports field, you want your lights to be high-powered. To ensure this, it is highly recommended to check the power output, as a 1000 watt LED is much more powerful than a 500 watt LED.


Brightness output of led stadium lights:

In addition to the power output, you can also check the brightness output ratings of your LED stadium lights to check their exact performance numbers. Similarly, you can find ratings of 20,000 lumens, 40,000 lumens, or even 50,000 lumens, with the highest rating of 50,000 lumens providing the highest brightness output.

Light color temperature of led stadium lights:

While having powerful lights is quite important, making sure that you also have the right color output from your LED stadium light is important for proper visibility. And to get an idea of the color of your LED stadium lights, you can simply check their color temperature. While buying LED stadium lights, you can find color temperature ratings like 3000k,4000κ, 5000κ, 6000κ, and others. When compared with each other, the color temperature of 4000K will be warm and a color temperature of 6000K will be cool white which offers better visibility at night, but if you want it to be natural daylight, then 5700K will be prefered.


Distribution beam angle of led stadium lights:

The beam angle indicates the spread of light from the light source. Narrow beams provide centralized lighting and are suitable for higher poles lighting or longer distance lighting. Wide beams give a more general and softer light. The most popular stadium beam angles are 15D, 30D and 60D, different stadium dimension(size, poles qty,pole height etc) will need different beam angle to get the best lighting effect, you can contact our professional sales engineers to get the free simulation design.


Best LED Stadium Light Reviews

Top one: 1500 Watt LED Stadium Light

This is our J series, as we know the option of LED lighting is well known for the perfect lighting solution because the high-end performance figures they offer, such as the LED stadium lights given here, are ideal for outdoor stadiums or other large sport sites.
LED stadium lights are top one on this list because it’s one of the most powerful options given here. To allow it to offer superb visibility, it has a very high power output of up to 1500 watts. At this power level, it is capable of providing brightness output up to 225,000 lumens, which is one of the highest.
This LED stadium light is not only very powerful, but also provides amazing visibility due to its given color temperature of 6000K. Another advantage of this LED stadium light is that it is IP66 waterproof. You also get a nice 5-year warranty, which is always good for reliability.




Best Features:

  • Rated for a power output of up to 1500 watts
  • Outputs a brightness level of up to 225,000 lumens
  • Offers a color temperature of 3000-6500K
  • Guarrantee with a 5 year long warranty

Μπλουζα 2 LED Stadium Light 500W/600W

In comparison to most other LED stadium lights out there, this stadium light cost is high effective which can be a viable option for those who want something compact and practical. this LED stadium light is present in the 2nd position in this listicle as this one is a great option if you want something small in size. Even for the given size, you get a decent power output of up to 500 watts with this LED stadium light. στην πραγματικότητα, it also offers a pretty decent brightness output of up to 75,000 lumens which is pretty good considering its form factor.


Best Features:

  • Rated for a power output of up to 500 watts
  • Outputs a brightness level of up to75,000 lumens
  • Offers a color temperature of 3000-6500K
  • Comes with a 5 year long warranty

Μπλουζα 3 LED Stadium Light 1000W

This is one of the most popular of LED stadium lights out there thanks to its entry-level price tag for most of the stadium lighting fixtures that it offers including the one given here.
This LED stadium light is present in the 3rd position in this article because it is the cheapest option given here, it is the perfect option for buyers on a tight budget. Each stadium light has a power output rating of up to 1000 watts along with a brightness output of up to 170,000 lumens. And even though its given price tag, the given 5 years warranty is to be expected.


Best Features:

  • Rated for a power output of up to 1000 watts
  • Outputs a brightness level of up to 170000 lumens
  • Offers a color temperature of 3000-6500K
  • Comes with a 5-year warranty


All of these LED stadium lights have been given along with their significant details and features.If want to get detailed lighting solution for your sport fields, welcome to send email to [email protected], our professional sales engineer will provide you complete stadium lighting design.

Συχνές Ερωτήσεις

1.Τι είναι ο φωτισμός του γηπέδου?
Τα φώτα σταδίου είναι ισχυρά αθλητικά φωτιστικά που συνήθως τοποθετούνται σε ψηλούς πύργους ή στύλους, σχεδιασμένο με στενές γωνίες δέσμης που κυμαίνονται από 12 προς την 60 βαθμούς. Αυτές οι μικρότερες γωνίες δέσμης εστιάζουν το φως πιο έντονα εντός του καθορισμένου εύρους, επιτρέποντας φωτεινό και αποτελεσματικό φωτισμό του αθλητικού γηπέδου από ψηλά ύψη. Ωστόσο, Η επιλογή της λανθασμένης γωνίας δέσμης μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε ανομοιόμορφο φωτισμό σε όλο το πεδίο, δημιουργώντας σκοτεινά σημεία που επηρεάζουν αρνητικά την εμπειρία τόσο για τους παίκτες όσο και για τους θεατές.

2. Ποια λάμπα χρησιμοποιούνται στο στάδιο?
Τα φώτα γηπέδου LED είναι η καλύτερη επιλογή σε σύγκριση με λαμπτήρες αλογόνου ή υδραργύρου κ.λπ. Το LED για την αντικατάσταση των αλογονιδίων μετάλλων είναι πιο φωτεινό, πολύ πιο ενεργειακά αποδοτικό και πιο ανθεκτικό.

3. Πόσα lumens είναι ανά φως γηπέδου LED?
Τα περισσότερα φώτα γηπέδου LED είναι περίπου 150-170 lm/w, 600Το W LED φως γηπέδου είναι πάνω 90,000 lm για αντικατάσταση α 1500 αθλητικό φως μεταλλικού αλογονιδίου watt, lumens είναι η ποσότητα φωτός από ένα εξάρτημα και διαφέρει από το φως στο έδαφος, γνωστά ως footcandles.

4. Τι Watt φώτα γηπέδου LED για χρήση στο γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου?
Για να κατανοήσετε γρήγορα τη συνολική ισχύ που απαιτείται για τα φώτα των γηπέδων ποδοσφαίρου, είναι καλύτερα να γίνει η προσομοίωση φωτός, επικοινωνήστε με τις επαγγελματικές μας πωλήσεις για να αποκτήσετε τώρα τον καλύτερο σχεδιασμό φωτός.