
フットボール スタジアム ライト ガイド 2025


If you’ve got a school or club football field or stadium to illuminate, 私たちはそれを行うために必要なリソースをすべて持っています. 新しいフットボール スタジアム ライト パッケージの紹介, レイアウト, あらゆるレベルのプレイに対応するソリューション. これらのカスタマイズされたソリューションは、サッカー場に素晴らしい照明を提供します, 多くの場合、他の照明メーカーの数分の一のコストで. Our football stadium lighting solutions are supported by years of football stadium lights experience. Topley led football stadium lights are the perfect solution to dull, uneven, or just plain awful football stadium lighting. When the critical point of the game depends on making that perfect catch, great lighting with appropriate horizontal and vertical lux is of paramount importance.

Football stadium lights solution is complex, but they don’t have to be impossibly so. Topley LED football field lights meet the lighting standards for high school ,college,club all football leagues below.

High-quality Stadium Lights Recommended:

Table of Contents

1.Illuminance Level lights for football field

  • クラスI
  • クラスII
  • クラスIII

2.Football Stadium Lighting Poles Arrangement

  • Four Corner Poles
  • Four Poles in Center
  • Six to Eight Side Poles

3.The Best football stadium lights

4.Most concern of all customers about the stadium

  • The require power and quantity of football stadium lights

5. FREE Dialux Simulation



8. よくある質問

Illuminance Level lights for football field

The following table provides details of the recommended illuminance level for each competition round.

It is essential to decide the lux level that the football pitch is intended to be used for. The pitch illuminance system should be designed to meet the requirements of the relevant illuminance level.


As per standards of EN12193, the LED football stadium lighting guidelines include 75 lux horizontal lights for recreational and training purpose in field. When it comes to recreational football fields and high school football grounds, the range is usually from 75 lux to 200 ルクス.



Class II involves the football field lights guidelines for leagues and clubs. The standards for football stadium lights for professional sports pitches are 200-300 lux horizontal lightings with uniformity of 0.6. This is specially set for semi-professional stadiums.



Class III includes all the stadiums for professional purposes without televised events.


If these stadiums are to be used for televising the events as well, for which the football stadium lighting needs to be professional as well. These grounds are used for national and international events so the football stadium lights installed must be high performance and of excellent quality. For this purpose, the ground lux ranges from about 1000lux to 2000lux, the uniformity ranges about Emin/Eav at 0.8, and Emin/Emax around 0.7.


Football Stadium Lighting Poles Arrangement

1.Four Corner Poles


Football stadium Lights at four corners imply that the lighting poles are set at four corners around the stadium,so that the football stadium lighting distribute from corners to center of the ground. For this purpose, the height for poles must be as high as possible so that the light can travel easily to the center while controlling anti-glare as well as uniformity of football stadium lighting. To create uniformity in lighting, the height of installation should be at least above 30 meters from the ground in Class III stadium(1000-2000ルクス).

2. Four Poles in Center

Side football stadium lighting systems generally allow the use of lower columns than those of corner column system.

Usually 18-21 meters poles are recommended for Class II stadium(200-300ルクス).


3.Six to Eight Poles


Popular configurations are four, six and eight column arrangements. When it comes to more lighting poles, the height of the poles does not need to be too high. The uniformity will come with normal height as well. This is usually for training grounds in high schools and community grounds. 10-18 meters are recommended for class I (75-200ルクス).

The Best football stadium lights for football field

The led football stadium lights below is the best option to light any football field regardless of level of play. これらの強力な備品は仕事を終わらせます.


A high lumen output above 170lm/w, power range 250W-1500W optional.

Asymmetric light distribution aim light directly onto the field of play, to shine uniformly and to minimize glare. Outdoor venues benefit from spill light control, no more skyglow and no more complaints from the neighbors.

Most concern of all customers about the stadium?

What wattage and how many football stadium lights do you need for your stadium?

The number of lights and wattage needs for a football stadium depend on factors like size, layout, required illumination, and fixture types.

As a general guideline, for a standard size football field of 105x68m, you may require between 20 そして 100 LED lights, depending on the level of illumination required. The wattage of the lights will depend on their individual specifications, but for a high-quality LED stadium light, the wattage may range from 400W to 1500W per fixture.

Consult a professional lighting designer or electrical contractor to determine the number and wattage of lights needed. They’ll create a detailed plan tailored to your stadium’s layout and illumination requirements.

Consider energy efficiency and durability when choosing wattage and lights for your stadium. Opt for high-quality LED lights known for efficiency, longevity, and exceptional illumination.

We Provide FREE Dialux Simulation Lighting Plan

The best way to determine the wattage and numbers of led football stadium lights is to complete the stadium lighting plan.

Special lighting photometry software actively develops the stadium lighting plan. It allows you to create or import the size of the playground, place or position a pole on the playground, and add football stadium lights to the poles.

This software designs each football stadium light to illuminate a specific location. Football stadium lighting design software calculates foot candle readings to show you the evenness and illumination of the field.

Without a football stadium lighting plan, you’ll actually be guessing which wattage, lumen package and optics are right for you. The probability of you being right is less than 1%.

While the lighting plan removes all guesswork and is the first step to successfully converting football stadium lights to leds.

Our professional engineers will provide free football stadium lighting design for you to visualize light for your stadium.




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Widely utilized for sports fields, buildings, 屋外景観照明, 空港, 高いポール, 広場, ポート, and wharves, our high-power LED stadium lights offer versatile and efficient illumination.


We hope this comprehensive guide will help you in selecting the best football stadium lights. LED football stadium lights are an ideal choice to illuminate the stadiums because it is energy-efficient, 経費節約, 取り付けが簡単, そして維持する. To have the perfectly led football stadium lighting system, 専門家の助けが必要です. If you want to know more about football stadium lights for football field, からご連絡ください。 販売@toplightleds.com to get the best football stadium lighting solution and best quotation.


スタジアム ライトは強力なスポーツ用照明器具で、通常は高い塔やポールに取り付けられます。, ~の範囲の狭いビーム角で設計されています。 12 に 60 度. これらの小さなビーム角度により、指定された範囲内で光がより強く集束されます。, 高所から競技場を明るく効果的に照らすことが可能. しかし, 間違ったビーム角度を選択すると、フィールド全体で照明が不均一になる可能性があります, プレーヤーと観客の両方の体験に悪影響を与えるダークスポットを作成する.

2. スタジアムで使用されているランプはどれですか?
ハロゲンランプや水銀などと比較した場合、LEDスタジアムライトが最良の選択です。. メタルハライドに代わるLEDはより明るくなります, はるかにエネルギー効率が高く、耐久性も高い.

3. LEDスタジアムライトあたりのルーメンは何ルーメンですか?
ほとんどの LED スタジアム ライトは約 150 ~ 170lm/w です。, 600W LEDスタジアムライトは上です 90,000 交換します 1500 ワットメタルハライドスポーツライト, ルーメンは器具からの光の量であり、地上の光とは異なります。, フットキャンドルとして知られる.

4. サッカー場に使用する LED スタジアム ライトは何ワットですか?
サッカースタジアムの照明に必要な総電力をすぐに把握するには, 光のシミュレーションをしたほうがいいです, 最適な照明デザインを今すぐ入手するには、当社の専門営業にお問い合わせください。.